「愛国心で好成績」 Yumi Suzuki 2006.12.27
Gode karakterer i fædrelandskærlighed
Skal Japans skoler uddanne ukritiske patrioter med gode karakterer i fædrelandskærlighed, og skal lærerne sende deres elever i krig gennem det nyoprettede forsvarsministerium med de ”små” atombomber, regeringen mener ”nutidens behov” kræver?
Japans parlament har vedtaget en uddannelseslov med åbenlys nationalisme: ”Vi skal respektere vore traditioner og kulturer, samt elske vort land og byer, der skabte disse traditioner og kulturer”, står der i paragraf 2. Præamblen er omformuleret fra ”Vi ønsker sandhed og fred” til ”Vi ønsker sandhed og retfærdighed”.
Loven har været undervejs længe, og siden 2001 har der været massiv modstand fra lærere, studerende og forældre. Oppositionen protesterede, fordi beslutningsprocessen var udemokratisk, udvandrede fra underhuset før vedtagelsen og udtrykte mistillid til regeringen – et meget alvorligt skridt - men alle protester er afvist.
Det var vigtigt at reformere uddannelse, fordi lærere og elever er under stort pres. Lærerne har mistet autoritet, og antallet af selvmord blandt elever vokser på grund af mobning. Den nye uddannelseslov kommer i diskussion for at løse disse problemer ved eleverne lærer opførsel med offentlig bevidsthed i stedet for at styrke individet.
Evaluering af fædrelandskærlighed
Den gamle uddannelseslov fra 1947 korresponderer med forfatningen fra 1946 og dens principper om at forebygge en genopblomstring af før-krigs-nationalismen. Den nye lov genindfører værdier fra før krigen. Børnene skal nu lære fædrelandskærlighed og tradition. I musiktimerne skal man synge traditionelle sange om Japan, og i engelsktimerne skal man lære, hvordan man fortæller om Japan på engelsk. Et af regeringsmedlemmerne siger: ”Den nye uddannelseslov vil give børnene en god forståelse for deres oprindelse og gøre dem til intelligente og værdige japanere”.
Tendensen er ikke ny. I 2002 opfordrede kommunen Fokuoka skolerne til at evaluere fædrelandskærligheden hos eleverne, ligesom de evaluerer elevernes evner i japansk, matematik og andre fag. 69 af kommunens 144 skoler fulgte opfordringen og evaluerede eleverne ud fra deres evne til: ”At have respekt for vort lands historie og tradition, samt at elske vort land og have bevidsthed som japaner i en verden, der ønsker fred”. De skoler, der evaluerede elevernes fædrelandskærlighed, blev belønnet med et tilskud, som de øvrige skoler ikke fik.
Skolernes dilemma med imperialismens arv
Nationalismen har længe været stigende, og det har altid været problematisk at forholde sig til det japanske flag Hinomaru og nationalsangen Kimigayo, fordi den japanske imperialisme har bragt store ofre i Asien. Flaget og sangen er stærke symboler, som bruges til at mindes ofrene under 2. verdenskrig.
Hiromaru betyder ”solens cirkel” og beskriver nationalflaget. Sangen Kimigayo betyder ”Deres majestæt”, og teksten er enkel – bare at ønske, at kejserens magt varer evigt.
Skoleudvalget i Tokyo bestemte i 2003, at man skulle hejse Hinomaru og afsynge Kimigayo ved ceremonier. Skolelederne skulle forlange, at lærere stod op under sangen. De, der ikke fulgte reglerne, blev meldt til myndighederne og straffet med nedsat løn eller i værste fald fyring. Musiklærere blev presset til at spille klaver til de nationalistiske sange.
Tokyo har også givet retningslinjer for, hvordan eleverne skal afsynge Kimigayo. Ifølge disse skal eleverne åbne munden så meget, at der er plads til tre fingre med hånden holdt lodret.
Mere end 4.000 lærere har psykiske sygdomme i 2006 – det er tre gange mere end for ti år siden. Flere er gået til modstand. I september i år vandt 401 lærere en sag i landsretten, hvor dommen fastslog, at det ikke var i overensstemmelse loven at presse lærerne til at ære Hinomaru og synge Kimigayo. Tokyo blev dømt til at betale erstatning, men amtet har anket sagen til højesteret, hvor der endnu ikke er faldet dom.
Meningskontrol og borgermøder
En undersøgelse fra Tokyo Universitet tidligere i år viser, at 66 pct. af 3.812 skolelederne, der besvarede undersøgelsen, imod den nye uddannelseslov. Der har været meget kritik fra akademiske foreninger og lærerforeningen har indsamlet 610.000 protestunderskrifter.
Regeringen tog emnet op på borgermøder for at forklare ideerne bag den nye lov. Borgermøderne blev indført i 2001 af den tidligere premiereminister, Koizumi, for at skabe dialog mellem politikere og befolkning. For nylig afslørede en oppositionspolitiker, at regeringen havde bestilt og betalt folk til at komme til borgermøderne og stille spørgsmål, der var formuleret af regeringen. På 105 af 174 møder mobiliserede regeringen offentligt ansatte, som skjulte deres identitet og stillede bestilte spørgsmål. Samtidig havde man sørget for, at kritikerne ikke blev inviteret. Premiereminister Abe har efter afsløringerne undskyldt og tilbudt at tilbagebetale tre måneders løn.
Undersøgelser viser, at op mod 80 pct. af befolkningen er imod loven, protesterne vokser, og støtten til regeringen er faldet til 47 pct. – mod 65 pct. ved valget - ifølge en meningsmåling den 10. december foretaget af dagbladet Asahi.
Japan, hvorhen?
Samme dag som uddannelsesloven blev vedtaget, skiftede Japans forsvarsstyrelse status til forsvarsministerium. Premiereminister Abe har i en uformel tale sagt, at det ikke er noget problem, at Japan får atombomber – hvis de er små. Siden krigen har Japan haft tre grundprincipper om atomvåben: ikke at producere, ikke at besidde og ikke at tillade atomvåben på japansk grund.
I et interview med CNN den 31. oktober i år sagde Abe, at paragraf 9 i forfatningen, som forpligter Japan til for altid at afstå fra at gå i krig for at løse internationale konflikter, ikke passer til nutidens behov og skal ændres.
Den nye uddannelseslov, oprettelsen af et forsvarsministerium og premiereminister Abes udtalelser peger alle i samme retning: Regeringen trækker Japan mod en ny nationalisme og forbereder sig på at spille en mere offensiv rolle på den internationale scene med den gamle japanske selvbevidsthed i højsædet.
Defence Agency to become ministry
TOKYO: Japan's Parliament on Friday approved a law upgrading the Defence Agency to a full ministry for the first time since World War II in an effort to raise the country's global military role.
The measure, passed on Friday by the upper house, bolsters the prestige and budgetary prerogatives of an agency that has kept a low profile under the postwar pacifist Constitution.
The bill had already been approved by the more powerful lower house, and the agency housed in a new, sprawling compound in central Tokyo is expected to officially become a ministry early next year.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made the upgrade of the Defence Agency, revision of the Constitution, and implementation of patriotic education top priorities since taking office in September in a bid to win Japan a more assertive international role.
The 1947 US-drafted Constitution foreswears Japan from using force to settle international disputes, and Tokyo maintains fighting forces only for self-defence. The US bases some 50,000 troops in Japan under a security alliance. That pacifist stance, however, has eroded with the end of the Cold War. Japan dispatched non-combat troops to Iraq in 2004-2006, but special legislation was needed.
The defence ministry upgrade was needed "because of the importance of the troops' mission to protect peace and independence of our country," said Takeaki Kashimura, foreign affairs and security committee chairman of the upper house.
The upgrade gives the military more budgeting powers than it had as simply an agency under the Cabinet Office. It also symbolizes the growing prestige of the military establishment, which had been disgraced after the country's imperialism and defeat in World War II.
Friday's enactment also established the defence forces' overseas peacekeeping activities as part of its regular duties, along with defence and disaster relief at home. Overseas relief and humanitarian missions under United Nations auspices are currently outside of the defence forces' core activities.
In addition to Iraq, Japan has sent navy vessels to support the US-led anti-terror operation in Afghanistan. Tokyo approved in October a one-year extension of its naval mission in the Indian Ocean. Both operations were criticized by some in Japan as violating the nation's no-war Constitution.
Also on Friday, Japan enacted a law aimed at injecting more patriotism into its schools, one of a bundle of measures backed by conservatives keen to emerge from the shadow of the nation's defeat in World War II.
Abe, who at 52 is the first Japanese prime minister born since World War II, pledged when he took office in September to revise a US-drafted 1947 law on basic education goals to put more patriotism and discipline into schools.
Critics have said the revisions at worst echoed the militarist education that underpinned Japan's aggression in Asia in the early 20th century and at best would do little to resolve problems such as bullying and excessive stress on rote learning.
Source: China Daily
人民網英語版(人民日報のweb版) 2006年12月16日
朝鮮日報/朝鮮日報JNS 2006年12月16日
Japan brings back patriotic education, upgrades Defense Agency to full ministry
The Associated PressPublished: December 15, 2006
TOKYO: Japan's conservative government chipped away at two pillars of the country's postwar pacifism, requiring schools to teach patriotism and upgrading the Defense Agency to a full ministry for the first time since World War II.
The measures, enacted Friday in a vote by Parliament's upper house, form key elements of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to bolster Japan's international military role, build up national pride and distance the country from its post-1945 war guilt.
The votes were important victories for Abe's government, which has suffered sharp drops in popularity polls since taking office in September over the perception that he has not paid enough attention to domestic issues.
The education reform bill triggered controversy, both because of its sensitive content and because of disclosures this week that the government had planted officials posing as ordinary citizens at "town meetings" discussing the measure.
The scandal and other issues inspired a spate of no-confidence motions against Abe and some members of his Cabinet, but they were crushed in Parliament, which is dominated by the ruling party coalition.
The upgrading of the Defense Agency under the Cabinet Office to a full ministry passed Parliament without significant opposition, propelled by deep concern in Japan over North Korean missile and nuclear weapons development.
The upgrade, to be effected early next year, gives Japan's generals greater budgetary powers and prestige — a reversal for a military establishment that has kept a low profile since being discredited by Japan's disastrous wartime defeat.
The education measure, the first change to Japan's main education law since 1947, calls on schools to "to cultivate an attitude that respects tradition and culture, that loves the nation and home country."
The reform reflected concerns voiced by Abe and strident Education Minister Bunmei Ibuki that Japan's long stretch of economic prosperity has eroded the morals and cooperative spirit of prewar Japanese.
"The new education law will allow children to acquire a good understanding of their heritage and become intelligent and dignified Japanese," ruling party lawmaker Hiroo Nakashima said during the upper house debate.
Critics, however, attacked the move as harkening back to Japan's war-era education system, in which children were instructed to support the country's imperialist military and sacrifice themselves for the emperor and nation.
Opponents on Friday voiced fears that the changes could lead to schools grading students on their patriotic fervor — possibly as a prelude to making Japan an aggressive nation once again.
"The government is putting the future of Japanese children at risk and turning Japan into a country that wages war abroad," said Ikuko Ishii, a Communist Party lawmaker.
The call for more patriotism in the schools coincides with a push by some local governments to crack down on teachers and students who refuse to stand for the national flag or sing an anthem to the emperor at school ceremonies.
Postwar Japan has been solidly pacifist under the 1947 U.S.-drafted Constitution, which foreswears Japan from using force to settle international disputes, and Tokyo maintains fighting forces only for self-defense. The U.S. bases some 50,000 troops in Japan under a security alliance.
Japanese Lawmakers Pass Two Laws That Shift the Nation Away From Its Postwar Pacifism
Published: December 16, 2006
TOKYO, Dec. 15 — Japan
broke two postwar taboos on Friday as the upper house of Parliament approved
laws that would officially bring patriotism back into the classroom and upgrade
the status of its Defense Agency.
The new education law revises the country’s
1947 Fundamental Law of Education, which had been drafted during the American
occupation to prevent a revival of prewar nationalism and avoid encouraging
patriotism. The new law stresses “love of country,” “public spirit” and
“tradition” while handing greater control over schools to politicians.
The upper house, controlled by Prime
Minister Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party, also
passed laws turning the country’s Defense Agency into a full-fledged ministry
and defining overseas missions as a main duty. The lower house had already
enacted the bills.
The laws were passed in keeping with Mr.
Abe’s drive to instill pride of country among Japanese and claim a larger role
for Japan
in the world. But to critics, especially of the education law, the moves take Japan further
from its postwar pacifist ideals while harking back to vaguely defined, prewar
Japanese values.
The bills were enacted despite a motion of
no confidence by opposition parties against Mr. Abe’s administration, two days
after a government report revealed that the government had routinely staged
town meetings since 2001 to manipulate public opinion. The government had paid
people to ask questions and make statements supportive of its policies,
including the revision of the education law.
The meetings took place under Mr. Abe’s
predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi. But Mr. Abe had
organized them as chief cabinet secretary, and he had championed rewriting the
education law as a pillar of his conservative agenda, which also includes
revising the pacifist Constitution.
Japanese conservatives had long contended
that the 1947 education law put too much emphasis individual rights over the
public good, with negative results ranging from the erosion of communities to
the rise in juvenile crime.
Across the country, conservative
politicians have been leading efforts to bring patriotism into the classroom. Tokyo’s nationalist
governor, Shintaro Ishihara, has punished hundreds of
teachers for failing to force their students to sing the national anthem and
stand before the national flag during school ceremonies. Other school districts
have started grading students on their patriotism.
“Based on the spirit of
the education law, we will drive to revive our education to build a respectful,
beautiful nation,” Mr. Abe said in a statement. Mr. Abe’s approval ratings have
fallen sharply because he has backpedaled on Mr. Koizumi’s political and economic
The new laws related to the Defense Agency
continue to solidify the role of the Self-Defense Forces, which are still
exclusively defensive and governed by strict rules of engagement. Conservatives
have sought to upgrade the agency’s status almost since it was created in 1954,
but an aversion to the military remained strong until recently.
The change to ministry status is largely
symbolic. But it will now allow the Defense Ministry to submit legislation to
Parliament and make budget requests directly.
“We will have to deal
with other countries as not just an agency, but as a ministry that can discuss
policy and the country’s security,” Fumio Kyuma, the
Defense Agency director, who will become defense minister next month, told the
Japanese news media.
Government officials have indicated that
they want to expand the Self-Defense Forces’ role further by pressing for a
permanent law that would allow them to be deployed overseas and to exercise the
right to collective self-defense.